Tips on how to save when back-to-school shopping

KENTWOOD, Mich. (WOOD) — In just a few days, schools across West Michigan will be back in session for many students. With back to school comes school shopping.

News 8 spoke to the owner of Kid to Kid, Amanda Funnell, on ways parents can save money when school shopping.

“We are really trying to help the community and the families, just by saving them money,” said Funnell.

When back to school shopping, many parents spend a big chunk of change on things like new clothes and school supplies.

“I’m a mother myself, and it’s just so expensive to dress children, especially these days when the kids want all of the Nike and name brands,” said Funnell.

Funell said parents should lean towards resale shops when buying kids’ clothing for school. Prices at her lightly-used clothing store usually range from $1.99 to $6

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Your Guide to Sustainable Swimwear: 9 Shopping Tips

When shopping for an ethically made, environmentally friendly swimsuit, it’s good to first be familiar with the sustainable swimwear industry. What kinds of suits are made with the environment in mind? What are the sustainability objectives of the most eco-friendly swimwear brands?

Before you purchase your next go-to beach bathing suit, read our top tips on shopping for sustainable swimwear.

First, Decide What’s Important

Before you start your search, make a list of what is most important to you in a swimsuit. Do you want to prioritize upcycled materials or organic fabrics? Do you have a specific style in mind or a company you want to research first?

Knowing what you value the most can help you know where to begin, saving you time and stress while shopping.

Shop Your Own Closet

Westend61 / Getty Images

Good news for your wallet: The most sustainable swimsuit is the one you already

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9 Marketing Automation Best Practices

1. Keep marketing analysis and lead scoring simple.

Having a lead scoring system that’s too complicated and extensive, you have a problem. You don’t want to rely on a team of interns just to pull all of the information together in Excel.

Keep everything simple so that you can create a clear foundation for performance expectations — one that can be adjusted based on feedback later down the line. Having a simple and streamlined process is key to optimizing marketing campaigns as close to real time as possible.

If you are running your marketing analysis like

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Tips for Saving Money on Back-To-School

Select’s editorial team works independently to review financial products and write articles we think our readers will find useful. We earn a commission from affiliate partners on many offers, but not all offers on Select are from affiliate partners.

Sharpen your pencils and fill your backpacks because schools will be back in session before you know it. Each new school year often means a fresh set of supplies, clothes or a new tech gadget — or maybe all three.

According to the National Retail Federation’s Back-to-School 2022 survey, families plan to spend a whopping $864, on average, on back-to-school supplies this year. Among college students and their families, that number jumps to $1,199.

With countless back-to-school deals and discounts, it’s important to be savvy when choosing your items so you don’t end up overspending or purchasing any unnecessary products. Before you start shopping, read through these tips to help you

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Back-To-School Shopping Tips to Save Money

Parents prepping kids for back-to-school might also be trying to prep their bank accounts.

According to the National Retail Federationparents will spend an average of $864 on school supplies in 2022, a $168 increase from 2019.

Diane Morais, president of consumer and commercial banking at Allytold TODAY Parents that recent price hikes “definitely” have parents crunching the numbers a little harder this back-to-school season.

“Families clearly need a few strategies to help them make the most of what they have to spend,” Morais said.

Sharita M. Humphrey, financial educator and spokesperson for Self Financialtold TODAY Parents that it’s important for parents to think ahead when it comes to the financial implications of back-to-school spending.

“Carrying debt each month is stressful and can negatively impact your credit,” Humphrey said. “Planning back-to-school shopping purchases by looking for the best deals will help to alleviate unnecessary spending and limit what you put on

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