Study Finds Most Marketers Don’t Know Their Audience

When it comes to marketing, almost nothing is more important than knowing your target audience.

But what if I told you over half of marketers are missing critical information on their consumers?

In our annual survey of over 1,200 marketers, we found that only 42% know the basic demographic information of their target audience, like their name, gender, and location.what info do marketers have on their audience

And, the data gap doesn’t stop there:

  • Less than half of marketers know their audience’s interests and hobbies, shopping habits, the products they are interested in buying, their purchase history, and where they consume content.
  • Only 31% know the online communities their target audience is a part of and even less know the challenges they are facing.
  • Just one-fourth of marketers know the social causes their target audience cares about – a huge missed opportunity when it comes to expressing your brand’s values, especially when marketing to Gen Z and
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15 Productivity Hacks for a Successful 2023

One of my biggest challenges with working from home is staying focused and completing every task on time. After all, home is where my TV, phone, kitchen, and cats are — it’s not exactly set up with productivity in mind. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get things done. Luckily, there are many practical, productive tips to help anyone reach their goals, whether they work from home or in an office.

Here are 15 productivity hacks to keep you focused so you can achieve your goals.

  1. Eat breakfast every day.
  2. Exercise in the morning.
  3. Take time to free-write.
  4. Plan the day ahead of time.
  5. Take regular breaks.
  6. Set a single goal for the day.
  7. Don’t be afraid to say ‘No.’
  8. Wake up early.
  9. Schedule some self-care.
  10. Create deadlines.
  11. Work in short bursts.
  12. Have a dedicated workspace.
  13. Avoid multitasking.
  14. Work near natural light.

Forget about perfectionism.

Best Productivity Hacks for

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